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Elm keeps enhancing the internal business environment


Elm welcomed employees’ children for day of “Little Elmer” initiative, to introduce the children to our company and their fathers’ work environment.
All children were issued badges to tour the company departments and conduct business meetings in the meeting rooms. At the end of the day, a father and son photo was taken, printed and framed to be placed by the employee on his office desk. The company carried out entertainment and sport activities for children and gifts were presented to children according to their ages.
Elm Also organized a “Health Day” to promote the health of its employees, motivate them to pay attention to their health and help them identify any health problem at early stage.  The various medical examinations are carried out by some of the best physicians’ specialties.
Mr. Muneer Al Fuhaidy - HR manager at Elm –  pointed out that improving the work environment is part of the company strategy and policy. Mr. Muneer added “We are investing in our employees, to create a more productive work environment”.
“Elm" conducts many activities and programs for its employees and provides them with various incentives to continuously increase their loyalty rates and productivity work and improve performance. This in turn, will be reflected in achieving more successes and customer satisfaction from our services and projects.