
Innovation Management aims to foster a creative environment that drives the development of innovative products and services for Elm, and to explore creative solutions to customer challenges through internal innovation programs offered to Elm employees.

Intellectual Assets
Leveraging patents and intellectual property to maximize Elm's intellectual assets.

Ideas and Experiences
Generating and developing new ideas and experimenting with customers to create valuable opportunities and products for Elm.​

Culture and Mindsets
Empowering all Elm employees to learn and apply methodologies and tools that enable them to innovate in their work.

Innovation Pioneers Program

A comprehensive training program designed to equip Elm employees with the mindset and skills necessary for innovation. ​

Ideas Bank​

A platform aimed at fostering a creative environment by providing employees with an opportunity to share all types of ideas and challenges faced by both internal and external customers.


                         Ideas transformed into products


             Idea Bank members



                Ideas submitted

Creative Solutions Program

A program designed to assist company departments in developing creative solutions to their own challenges and those of their customers.
Fostering new business ventures for the company
Cultivating an innovation and entrepreneurial mindset
Diagnosing problems and identifying their root causes
Generating innovative solutions to challenges

Innovation Culture

Building and developing a creative environment to stimulate and increase the innovative confidence of Elm employees.

Innovation Mindset

Creating a sustainable, innovative environment to elevate the quality of ideas and their implementation process, while promoting continuous improvement and openness to change.

Innovation Exploration

Identifying global innovation systems, building partnerships with innovative companies, and discovering new opportunities and solutions for Elm.

Innovation Culture Index

This scale was innovated by distinguished researchers and has been enhanced and developed by Elm It enables the measurement of the maturity level of an organization's innovation environment and culture.​

14KHz Program

Within Elm, our innovation and product teams are collaborating to apply innovation tools and methodologies to overcome challenges. We are dedicated to studying and testing ideas to arrive at creative solutions.

Problem Analysis


Customer Journey Mapping




Solution Testing




Customer persona

Workshop Facilitation Program

We're committed to building and nurturing a creative environment that empowers Elm employees to think innovatively. Our program focuses on designing and facilitating interactive workshops to tackle complex problems and challenges.

Interactive workshops

We conduct engaging workshops with Elm's clients and partners, leveraging best practices in innovation.


We facilitate brainstorming sessions to generate creative ideas across various sectors and activities.

Problem Diagnosis

We help teams identify the root causes of complex issues.

Intellectual Property Accelerator

This program aims to increase the number of patents at Elm by encouraging employees to share their unique ideas. Once an idea is submitted, it undergoes a one-month program that includes:
Training: Employees receive training on intellectual property principles.
Patent Filing: Ideas that pass the review are filed for patents.
Legal Review: Ideas undergo a thorough legal review.
17 patents have been filed so far.

GrowthX Accelerator

In collaboration with Elm's top-performing products, we explore adjacent growth opportunities aligned with the product roadmap and company strategy. This program, a joint initiative of the product team and innovation department, is conducted in multiple phases.


To identify new opportunities adjacent to existing products.


Owners of top-performing products and a diverse range of products from different sectors.


Future customer journey, a practical growth plan, and high-level success metrics.

ExperimentX Accelerator

We work with emerging products to design business experiments to validate the business model. Beneficiaries: Managers of emerging products and a diverse range of products from different sectors. Outputs: Documented experiments and a validated business model.

Final outputs

Documented experiences and a proven business model


Emerging Product Managers, and a product from each sector